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Intuitive Energy Healing
"Peace begins with each of us taking care of our bodies and minds everyday." -Thich Nhat Hanh
Be prepared to experience transformation in lifestyle habits, attitudes and beliefs to embody your fullest potential. The changes you experience in your physical and emotional wellness will be quite noticeable, and you and those that know you will be astonished with the positive shift.
Brooke recognizes that physical and emotional suffering originates from each individual's own elaborate and unique story. Her intuitive capacity united with her educational background allows her to re-establish a healthy communication within the body, thereby empowering the body-mind to heal itself.
One aspect of Brooke's healing energy involves the embodiment of a constant flowing of Reiki energy; this evolved out of necessity. From a very young age, Brooke recalls experiencing empathically, both the physical and emotional stories of others. As a result of experiencing this connection, the need came for an avenue to manage the energy and information as it appeared. Reiki came into her life and served both as a conduit for ancient healing forces as well as a method for managing the stories of others with more grace. After daily practice running Reiki, Brooke eventually fully attuned. She now embodies Reiki healing energy, which naturally flows throughout all healing sessions she offers.
Brooke's awareness of neurophysiology and neuropsychology allows her to focus on renovating neural networks. This work is the key to literally re-wiring the brain, removing any obstacles that interrupt the ultimate well-being of the individual. This results in comprehensive shifts in the essence of an individual's awareness as well as their physical and emotional relief from pain and dysfunction.
During a session, she establishes a dialogue with the body's innate healing intelligence, unlocking the hidden mysteries and obstacles that have diminished the body-mind's balance. She then custom tailors an energy formula specific to the distinct priority of each individual. These formulas will fundamentally change the concepts and function of the mind that contribute to any disease or imbalance. Although the session begins at the scheduled appointment time, the formula may run for hours, days, weeks, or even months to achieve a remarkable and lasting shift.
She works with individuals of all ages and has successfully worked with many long-term illnesses, complex mental/emotional disorders, and severe physical issues, such as: allergies, inflammatory diseases, degenerative diseases, mental or emotional trauma, mood disorders, digestive disorders, immune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, gynecological and reproductive disorders, pain syndromes, environmental sensitivities, and medical conditions not responding to other medical systems.
If the body indicates that further support is needed beyond the intuitive energy healing, you have the option of participating in Holistic Wellness methods and/or Acupuncture.
Animal Communication 
Most people want to extend their resources for well-being to their animals. On occasion there may be confusion about a certain behavior the animal is displaying. At other times, it may be apparent that the animal is suffering, however, there may be an uncertainty about the source of suffering or how to help. Brooke offers healing with gratitude to all living beings, no matter how big or small.
During an intuitive energy healing session, you may observe your animal behaving in unfamiliar ways. Animals offer feedback in their own way. Often they will mouth or chew, sometimes they will eliminate a toxin if needed through the usual routes of excretion. Brooke recognizes that animals most often prefer to be at home in their most familiar environments when they are not feeling well. For these reasons it is recommended to do intuitive energy healing remotely allowing you to tend to their needs, be there to comfort them, and to be a witness to the process.
If the body indicates that further support is needed beyond the animal communication, you have the option of participating in Holistic Wellness methods.
Transform. Awaken. Heal.